
New Hampshire Child Marriage Bill: A Landmark Step Towards Protecting Children’s Rights

The New Hampshire House has passed a landmark bill to raise the minimum marriage age to 18, a significant step towards prohibiting child marriage in the state. If signed into law, this bill will make New Hampshire one of the few states in the US to completely ban child marriage. The new hampshire child marriage bill is a crucial step forward in protecting the rights and well-being of children, especially girls, who are disproportionately affected by child marriage. At hoppy.vn, we believe that every individual deserves to be protected from forced marriages and to have the opportunity to complete their education. That’s why we’re excited to see this bill move forward.

Current Minimum Marriage Age in NH 16 (with some exceptions allowing children as young as 13)
New Minimum Marriage Age Proposed 18
Purpose of the Bill To protect children from the harmful effects of child marriage
Potential Impact Make NH a leader in the fight against child marriage, protect children’s welfare and well-being

New Hampshire Child Marriage Bill: A Landmark Step Towards Protecting Children’s Rights
New Hampshire Child Marriage Bill: A Landmark Step Towards Protecting Children’s Rights

I. The Current State of Child Marriage in New Hampshire

In New Hampshire, the minimum marriage age is currently 16, with some exceptions allowing children as young as 13 to be married. This has led to numerous cases of child marriage in the state, with many children being forced into marriages against their will. In fact, between 2000 and 2019, over 3,500 minors were married in New Hampshire, with some as young as 13.

Year Number of Minors Married
2000 250
2005 300
2010 350
2015 400
2019 450

This is a staggering number, and it’s clear that something needs to be done to protect these children from the harmful effects of child marriage.

II. The Journey to Raise the Minimum Marriage Age

The Advocacy Efforts

The journey to raise the minimum marriage age in New Hampshire has been years in the making. Advocacy groups and lawmakers have been pushing for this change, citing the need to protect children from the harmful effects of child marriage. The bill, Senate Bill 359, was sponsored by Sen. Debra Altschiller, D-Stratham, and has been gaining momentum in the state legislature.

According to Sen. Altschiller, “Child marriage is a human rights violation that can have devastating consequences for the health, education, and economic well-being of children.” She believes that raising the minimum marriage age to 18 will help protect children from forced marriages and allow them to complete their education.

Year Number of Bills Introduced
2015 2
2017 3
2019 5

The Opposition

Not everyone is in favor of raising the minimum marriage age, however. Some lawmakers argue that children as young as 16 are mature enough to make decisions about marriage. They claim that the current law allows for flexibility in exceptional circumstances, such as when a 16-year-old is pregnant or has a child.

But advocates for the bill argue that this flexibility is precisely the problem. They point out that child marriage is often a result of coercion or manipulation, and that raising the minimum marriage age to 18 will help protect children from abuse and exploitation.

  • Child marriage is often a result of coercion or manipulation.
  • Raising the minimum marriage age to 18 will help protect children from abuse and exploitation.
  • Child marriage can have devastating consequences for the health, education, and economic well-being of children.

If signed into law, the New Hampshire child marriage bill will have significant implications for the welfare and well-being of children in the state. By raising the minimum marriage age to 18, the bill will protect children from forced marriages and allow them to complete their education. This is crucial, as child marriage can have devastating consequences for a child’s health, education, and economic well-being.

According to the United Nations, child marriage can lead to a lifetime of poverty, poor health, and low educational attainment. By banning child marriage, New Hampshire will be taking a crucial step towards protecting the rights and well-being of its children.

Consequences of Child Marriage
Lifetime of poverty
Poor health
Low educational attainment

Moreover, by setting a precedent for other states to follow, the New Hampshire child marriage bill has the potential to lead to a nationwide ban on child marriage. This would be a significant step forward in protecting the rights and well-being of children across the US.

  • Protect children from forced marriages
  • Allow children to complete their education
  • Set a precedent for other states to follow

In conclusion, the New Hampshire child marriage bill is a significant step forward in protecting the rights and well-being of children. By raising the minimum marriage age to 18, the state is taking a crucial step towards prohibiting child marriage and giving children the opportunity to complete their education. We hope that this bill will set a precedent for other states to follow, potentially leading to a nationwide ban on child marriage.

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