How to make

Mexican Candy Shots: A Sweet and Spicy Treat

Welcome to Hoppy, your ultimate destination for culinary adventures! Embark on a delightful journey as we guide you through the art of crafting tantalizing Mexican candy shots. These vibrant and flavorful treats are a symphony of sweet, tangy, and spicy flavors, perfect for any occasion. With our comprehensive guide, you’ll discover the secrets to creating these delectable shots, from gathering the essential ingredients to mastering the step-by-step process. Get ready to impress your friends and family with these irresistible Mexican candy shots that will leave them craving more.

Mexican Candy Shots: A Sweet and Spicy Treat
Mexican Candy Shots: A Sweet and Spicy Treat

I. Ingredients and Equipment

Ingredients and Equipment
Ingredients and Equipment

Creating delectable Mexican candy shots requires gathering the essential ingredients and equipment. Here’s a comprehensive list to ensure you have everything you need:

Tequila or Mezcal
Orange liqueur (e.g., Cointreau, Grand Marnier)
Lime Juice
Sweet and sour mix
Agave nectar or simple syrup
Crushed ice
Tajin (Mexican chili lime seasoning)
Candy sticks (e.g., lollipops, gummy bears, sour straws)
Lime wedges, for garnish


  • Cocktail shaker
  • Strainer
  • Shot glasses
  • Rimmed plates
  • Citrus juicer
  • Muddler
  • Ice bucket

Once you’ve gathered all the ingredients and equipment, you’re ready to embark on your Mexican candy shot-making adventure! Check out our detailed step-by-step guide to learn how.

Explore our related posts for more culinary inspiration:

II. Step-by-Step Guide

Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-Step Guide

Gather Ingredients and Equipment

  • 1 cup chili powder
  • 1/2 cup lime juice
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons tequila
  • 3 tablespoons orange liquor
  • 1/4 cup chamoy
  • 16 ounces gummy bears
  • Lollipop sticks
  • Candy molds

Make a classic champurrado to serve with your candy shots.

Step 1: Create the Candy Mixture

In a large saucepan over medium heat, combine the chili powder, lime juice, water, and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves and the mixture begins to simmer. Reduce heat to low and let simmer for 5 minutes to allow the mixture to thicken. Remove the saucepan from heat and stir in the tequila, orange liquor, and chamoy. Set aside to cool slightly.

Step 2: Prepare the Gummy Bears

In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the gummy bears in 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until completely melted. Once melted, pour the gummy mixture into the candy molds and place the lollipop sticks in the center of each mold.

Step 3: Let Set and Chill

Place the candy molds in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight to allow them to set and chill completely.

Step 4: Serve and Enjoy

Hold the candy shot with the lollipop stick, and enjoy it as a sweet and refreshing treat!

III. Tips and Tricks

Experiment with different types of gummies and molds to create a variety of candy shot combinations.

  • Consider adding additional spices or extracts, such as cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or orange zest, to enhance the flavor of the candy mixture.
  • If the candy shots become too hard after chilling, let them sit at room temperature for a few minutes before enjoying.
  • Garnish the candy shots with sprinkles, chili powder, or a squeeze of lime juice for a fun and festive presentation.
  • Store the candy shots in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

IV. Variations and Substitutions

Variations and Substitutions
Variations and Substitutions

The classic Mexican candy shot recipe is a delightful blend of sweet, tangy, and spicy flavors. However, you can easily customize your shots to suit your taste preferences or dietary restrictions. Here are a few variations and substitutions to consider:

  • Spicy lovers: If you enjoy a bit of heat, add a dash of cayenne pepper or chili powder to your shot.
  • Fruity twist: For a fruitier flavor, use fresh fruit juices or purees, such as mango, pineapple, or strawberry, instead of soda.
  • Creamy indulgence: Add a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream to your shot for a creamy and decadent treat.
  • Non-alcoholic option: To make a non-alcoholic version of the shot, simply omit the tequila and replace it with additional fruit juice or soda.
  • Vegan-friendly: For a vegan-friendly shot, use agave nectar instead of honey and omit the gelatin.

Feel free to experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create your own unique Mexican candy shot recipe. The possibilities are endless!

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V. Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks

Use fresh, ripe candy.

The quality of your candy will directly affect the taste of your shots. Use the best quality candy you can find, and make sure it’s fresh and ripe. This will help ensure that your shots are flavorful and delicious.

Choose a complementary mixer.

The type of mixer you use will also affect the taste of your shots. Consider the flavors of the candy you’re using and choose a mixer that will complement them. For example, try using a sour mixer with sweet candy, or a creamy mixer with tart candy.

Get creative with your garnish.

A garnish can add a touch of elegance and flavor to your shots. Try using a slice of fruit, a sprig of mint, or a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. You can also get creative with your shot glasses, using different shapes and sizes to add visual interest.

Use a good ice cube maker.

The ice cubes you use in your shots will also affect the taste. Use a good ice cube maker that produces clear, solid ice cubes. This will help keep your shots cold and flavorful.

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Chill your shots before serving.

Once you’ve made your shots, chill them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving. This will help them to become more flavorful and refreshing.

Serve your shots in a chilled glass.

The type of glass you use will also affect the taste of your shots. Use a chilled glass to help keep your shots cold and flavorful. You can also rim the glass with sugar or salt for an extra touch of flavor.

VI. Serving and Storage

Serving and Storage
Serving and Storage

Serve these vibrant Mexican candy shots chilled and with a garnish of zest or sprinkles for an extra touch of color. Delight your guests with their unique and flavorful combination of sweet, tangy, and spicy notes.

Store any leftover shots in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. If you find that the consistency becomes too thick, you can adjust it with a little bit of water or lime juice before serving. You can also freeze the candy shots for up to a month. To serve, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator or at room temperature for a few hours. Once they have reached a liquid consistency, enjoy them chilled or over ice.

  • Store leftover shots in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Adjust consistency with water or lime juice if needed.
  • Freeze candy shots for up to a month for extended storage.
  • Thaw frozen shots overnight in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Feel free to experiment with different flavor combinations and spices to create your own unique candy shot variations. You can use this recipe as a base and add your favorite fruits, herbs, or chili peppers. Don’t be afraid to let your creativity shine through and create shots that are as visually stunning as they are delicious.

Visit our recipe section for more delightful and easy-to-follow drink and shot recipes, including our French toast, buttermilk, and hard-boiled eggs guides.

VII. Troubleshooting

Encountering difficulties in your candy-making journey? Don’t fret; here are some common issues and their potential solutions:

  • Candy is too thick: If your candy is too thick, consider adding a bit more liquid, such as water or fruit juice, to thin it out.
  • Candy is too runny: Conversely, if your candy is too runny, you can thicken it by boiling it for a longer period of time or adding a thickening agent, such as cornstarch or gelatin. Check out our guide on how to make maple cream for a similar consistency.
  • Candy crystallized: Crystallization can occur if the candy is stirred too much or if it is not cooked to the proper temperature. To prevent crystallization, stir the candy gently and use a candy thermometer to ensure it reaches the correct temperature. Learn how to make candy grapes without crystallization.
  • Candy is too sticky: If your candy is too sticky, try adding a small amount of oil or butter. You can also try dusting it with powdered sugar or cornstarch to prevent it from sticking. Find out how to make oreo pie crust with the right texture.
  • Candy is not setting: If your candy is not setting properly, it may be because you did not cook it to the correct temperature. Alternatively, the candy may contain too much moisture. Make sure to follow the recipe carefully and use a candy thermometer to ensure the candy reaches the proper temperature.

Still having trouble? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or reach out to us through our contact page. We’re always happy to help!



Question Answer
Can I make Mexican candy shots without alcohol? Absolutely! You can easily omit the alcohol and still enjoy delicious and flavorful candy shots.
How can I store Mexican candy shots? Store your candy shots in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. You can also freeze them for up to 2 months.
Can I use different types of candy to make Mexican candy shots? Yes, feel free to experiment with various types of candy to create unique and exciting flavor combinations.

With a little creativity and patience, you can create impressive and delectable Mexican candy shots that will tantalize your taste buds and leave your guests craving for more. So, get ready to embark on this culinary adventure and enjoy the sweet rewards of your efforts!



Q: What are the essential ingredients for making Mexican candy shots?

A: The essential ingredients for making Mexican candy shots include tequila, lime juice, simple syrup, and your favorite Mexican candy, such as tamarind, mango, or chamoy.

Q: What equipment do I need to make Mexican candy shots?

A: You will need a cocktail shaker, a strainer, and shot glasses to make Mexican candy shots.

Q: How do I make Mexican candy shots?

A: To make Mexican candy shots, simply combine the tequila, lime juice, simple syrup, and Mexican candy in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously for 10 seconds, then strain into shot glasses. Garnish with a lime wedge or a piece of Mexican candy.

Q: What are some variations on Mexican candy shots?

A: There are many variations on Mexican candy shots, such as using different types of tequila, lime juice, or simple syrup. You can also add other ingredients, such as fruit juice, soda water, or chili peppers.

Q: How do I store Mexican candy shots?

A: Mexican candy shots can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Q: What are some tips for making the best Mexican candy shots?

A: Here are some tips for making the best Mexican candy shots:

  • Use fresh ingredients.
  • Make sure your simple syrup is cold before using it.
  • Shake the cocktail shaker vigorously for at least 10 seconds.
  • Strain the shots into chilled glasses.
  • Garnish with a lime wedge or a piece of Mexican candy.

Q: What are some common troubleshooting tips for Mexican candy shots?

A: Here are some common troubleshooting tips for Mexican candy shots:

  • If your shots are too strong, add more lime juice or simple syrup.
  • If your shots are too sweet, add more lime juice or tequila.
  • If your shots are too sour, add more simple syrup.
  • If your shots are too thick, add more ice.
  • If your shots are too watery, shake them for longer.

Q: Where can I find more information about Mexican candy shots?

A: You can find more information about Mexican candy shots online or in cookbooks. You can also ask your friends or family for their favorite recipes.

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X. Conclusion

As you embark on your Mexican candy shot-making journey, remember to let your creativity shine. Experiment with different flavors, colors, and garnishes to create unique and personalized treats. Whether you prefer classic recipes or enjoy adding your own twist, the possibilities are endless. With practice, you’ll master the art of crafting these delectable shots, impressing your friends and family with your mixology skills. So gather your ingredients, set up your equipment, and let’s raise a glass to the delicious world of Mexican candy shots. Salud!

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